The Climate Footprint of Our Products

The calculation of the climate footprint of our products encompasses the entire value chain – from the cultivation and transport of individual raw materials, the production of the packaging used, as well as the production and transport of the final product. The results are expressed in kg CO2e/kg product, where CO2e is the collective term for all greenhouse gases, including methane and nitrous oxide.

The calculation for each product is not, in itself, a life cycle assessment (LCA), but is composed of results from LCAs conducted on raw materials, packaging, and transport. The climate footprint of the raw materials is sourced from a climate database developed by RISE (Research Institute of Sweden) – as well as from producers. The climate footprint of packaging and transport is based on industry data, while the climate footprint from production is calculated based on process data from our production facilities.

Calculating climate footprints is not an exact science like calculating nutritional content, and the exact values cannot be compared 1:1 with figures from other sources. However, the results provide crucial insights that can help make informed decisions.

Step by Step Towards a More Sustainable Everyday Life

Food production accounts for around 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, and in Denmark, almost 1/5 of our climate footprint comes from food and beverages. What we eat and drink has a significant impact on our climate.

Sustainability is high on our agenda. We hold a leading position within food service in Denmark and our strong brands are part of the menu in many Danish homes. With that position comes responsibility. Therefore, together with the rest of the Orkla Group, we have set a goal to be climate-neutral throughout our entire value chain by 2045. And even now, we are contributing to reducing the climate footprint of Danes’ food consumption through a range of initiatives.

Plantebaserede fødevarer

Plant-based Foods

We inspire green and climate-friendly eating through delicious plant-based products.
Stop madspild

Combating Food Waste

We are continuously working to minimize waste throughout our supply chain, from farm to table, and aim to halve our food waste by 2030.

Healthier Everyday Choices

We are continuously working to make classic products healthier and inspire with greener alternatives.

Sustainable Packaging

We are continuously working to minimize our packaging consumption while proactively promoting more circularity in the packaging value chain overall.

Menneske og samfund

People & Society

We aim to act responsibly and with high integrity throughout our entire value chain. We are committed to positively impacting both society and people.


Climate & Environment

We aim to be climate-neutral by 2045 for both scope 1, 2, and 3.* Our goals are in line with the targets set in the Paris Agreement.

Ambitious Climate Goals Require Focus and Action

Our ambitious climate goals have been approved by SBTi, which stands for the Science Based Targets Initiative, an organization backed by partners such as the UN and WWF. SBTi has developed the standard for companies that want to support the UN’s climate goals.

To achieve our targets, we have launched several initiatives, including a focus on plant-based foods. We are continuously launching new and climate-friendly food products and developing greener recipes. One of our recipe concepts, “Cook as you normally do, in a new way,” makes it easy to include more sustainable choices on the menus of cafés, restaurants, and in the fast-food sector.

We are also working to reduce food waste throughout our value chain. In our own production, we have reduced finished product waste by 39% since 2017. Our goal is to halve our food waste by 2030. Additionally, we inspire chefs, bakers, and food enthusiasts in our value chain to make better use of raw materials and reduce food waste in their production.

Packaging is a third focus area, where we are constantly searching for new solutions that both protect the product and take the climate into account.


Increased sustainability should be a natural part of our DNA and a consideration that guides us in our daily choices and decisions. Therefore, as a rule, we follow the triple bottom line. This means that we not only look at the financial bottom line but also at the well-being of our employees and our impact on the world around us.

As part of our social bottom line, we have focused on improving and developing existing recipes with the aim of reducing sugar and salt content. Here, even small changes can have a significant impact on public health over time. However, we know that our consumers are sensitive to changes in quality and taste. That is why we are very mindful of maintaining the good quality and taste when we make adjustments.

Partnerships for Action

Partnerships and collaboration are central to our sustainability efforts. We see strength in circular partnerships, where we inspire and challenge each other to create sustainable innovation and future solutions.

For our brand Beauvais, we have partnered with Ferm Food to create an organic plant-based burger made with fermented rye kernels, vegetables, and great taste.

With the Easyfood brand, we have developed the Mocca Bun in collaboration with Kaffe Bueno, using upcycled coffee grounds, and SocialSquare with upcycled spent grain from Agrain.

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